PANEX will offer a wide range of tradable specifically geared towards the continent of Africa and the world.
Agriculture Futures
Agricultural futures contracts are standardized according to the amount of commodity being bought or sold, the expected time and place of delivery, and quality of the product. The agricultural futures markets bring together buyers and sellers who have opposing price risks. Sellers/farmers are worried about commodity prices falling, while buyers of coffee, maize or wheat are worried about prices rising. Both parties have the opportunity of locking into a future price by either buying or selling agricultural futures contracts.
Currency Futures
PANEX offers active traders, portfolio managers, proprietary trading groups and corporations with access to exchange traded currency futures (foreign exchange or FX futures) markets an alternative venue or liquidity source for their over-the-counter foreign currency (spot) transactions. Unlike their over-the-counter foreign currency counterparts, FX futures are traded on the PANEX exchange platform. PANEX offers all African currency futures which will become the largest regulated foreign exchange marketplace in Africa.
One of the oldest and most traditional ways to invest is to buy stocks and shares in a company, which form the asset class more commonly known as equities. Equities can therefore be referred to as stocks, that is, part ownership of a company whose value has been distributed in equal smaller portions.
Interest Rate derivatives
Interest rate derivatives are instruments used to hedge against adverse changes of interest rates. Institutional and individual traders might use them as speculative instruments, hoping to profit from the directional movement of interest rates. The interest rate derivative market is the largest in the world. All interest rate futures, options and even swaps are cleared through the Pan Clear.
Single-Stock Futures (SSF)
SSFs are futures contracts on individual stocks and are agreements to deliver 100 shares of a specific stock at a designated date in the future or expiration date. The buyer has an obligation to purchase shares of stock and the seller has an obligation to sell shares of stock at a specific price at a specific date in the future. Single-Stock Futures contracts are completed via offset or the delivery of actual shares at expiration. All SSFs contracts have expirations dates.
Equity Index Futures
Equity index futures are designed to trade in relation to a specific equity index or ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) which are comprised of a basket of securities that trade as smaller versions of the index or ETFs. These products allow our clients to participate in a basket of equities without having to purchase the full margin value of single equity securities. Africa has 30 active Stock exchanges; PANEX offers equity indices for all African financial markets.
Energy Futures
Energy Futures assists clients in all segments of the energy spectrum including access to one of the most diverse and sophisticated energy markets solutions. PANEX is globally accessible, promotes price discovery and offers key energy products through contracts based on crude oil and refined products, natural gas, power and emissions. Our clients can utilize the energy markets through futures, options, spreads, synthetics and swaps to minimize the risk associated with adverse price movements in
Metal Futures
Metal futures provide producers, manufacturers, traders and speculators with cost-efficient trading and risk management opportunities. The contracts are firm commitments to make or accept delivery of a specified quantity and quality of a commodity during a specific month in the future at a price agreed upon at the time the commitment is made. PANEX facilitates the delivery of the underlying metals. Investors can also offset their futures positions before their contracts mature.